We’re happy to announce that our April 2019 release has now gone live. New features include folder sharing with internal team members, Decision Checklists (Reasons), additional Automated Workflow triggers and more proof triggers with Zibots. We’ve also made user interface and experience improvements to make it easier to see the progress of each reviewer. Read on to learn more!
Sharing Folders
When multiple users need to work on the same project and you have multiple teams in your organization, it is essential to allow them to manage their work separately.
Sharing folders is a great way for you to manage teams and control their access to project/client folders. You can share a folder with users in your account by either:
- Hover over the folder in the sidebar > Click on the ellipse > Edit
- Click on the folder in the sidebar > Click on the Share button top right
Decision Checklists (Reasons)
Often times proof managers require additional feedback on why a reviewer made a decision or might require reviewers to sign-off on a checklist for marketing compliance reasons at the end of the review. For example, if you need your reviewers to check off that they’ve reviewed that the terms and conditions on your proof is compliant when the approve the proof to ensure that the proper compliance checks are being completed.
In both cases, customers can now set up customized decision checklists or reasons that can be displayed when reviewers make a decision on a proof. These can then be viewed in the dashboard or be exported along with the comments to PDF.
To access the decision checklist settings Click on your avatar > Manage Account > Proof Settings > Decisions. Then scroll down to “Decision Checklist” where you can define the title and options to appear. Once you’re done, you can enable which decisions the checklist should appear.
Progress Bars for Reviewers (SOCD)
We’ve updated the dashboard and emails to make it easier to see the progress of reviewers. Feedback gathered from numerous usability sessions highlighted the difficulty in identifying who a reviewer is by the initials on the avatars, especially if more than one avatar had the same initials. The problem got compounded when a proof had a large number of reviewers.
The new layout allows proof managers to quickly scan the progress of each reviewer on the proof while seeing their full name or email. We will be extending this progress bar to stages and proofs in an upcoming release.
New Automated Workflow Triggers
We’ve made Automated Workflows even more powerful! Up until today you could only trigger a next stage for review when a decision was Approved or Approved with Changes.
Today’s release includes new settings that allow you to trigger a stage when the status is “Changes Required” or when the deadline of the stage is reached, regardless of the decision on the stage.
This extends the flexibility of the workflow to allow you to route a proof to different groups, one if it’s approved and another if it’s rejected.
New Zibot Proofing Triggers
We’re actively working on extending our Zibots and integrations platform. Today’s release includes new Proofing triggers through Zibots that allow you to trigger a flow when the following events occur on a proof:
- New comments/replies
- Comments are resolved
- Someone is @mentioned on a proof
Additional Enhancements
- Default content size for rich media proofs: In Manage Account > Proof Settings > Proof Viewer > Other Options > “Default content for rich media“ you’re now able to set the default size to use when reviewers open Rich Media proofs.
- Proof viewer enhancements:
- The comment pin has been redesigned to make it look, well, better.
- The comments list has also had a refresh to make it easier to identify the reviewer who made the comments and we’ve provided an option to show or hide the avatars in the comment list.
you can now include your custom proof properties when exporting proofs to CSV.
- Public API: Partners and integrators are now able to add a custom button that will appear in all proof emails. This is useful if you want to link to a specific project or page in your application for that proof.
These new capabilities are live in the product now. Current customers, and those on 14-day trials can start taking advantage of them right away.
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