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Creative operations manager job description: skills, duties, and responsibilities

9 min read
Aaron Marquis

In the last few years, a superhero has emerged in the world of creative production. Part project manager, part creative eye (and part grief counselor during impossible deadlines), the Creative Operations Manager has become the keystone in the management of the creative process. They’re the link between creativity and efficiency within marketing teams, ensuring that the vision of a project aligns harmoniously with the objectives of the business.

In this article, we want to talk to you about the ins and outs of Creative Operations Managers — what they do, the benefits of their role, and everything in between. By the end, you should be able to see why this role is indispensable to a company, as well as outline a Creative Operations Manager job description.

Let’s dig in!

What we'll cover

What is a creative operations manager?

Components of Creative Operations Manager job description and responsibilities

A Creative Operations Manager (COM) oversees the workflow, resources, and processes involved in the production of creative content. They ensure that creative projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required standard. The COM is responsible for optimizing creative workflows, managing project timelines, and keeping collaboration seamless and efficient among team members and stakeholders. By doing so, they allow creative teams to do what they do best — focus on producing high-quality work — while maintaining alignment with broader business goals.

Why do you need a creative operations manager?

You probably already know this: creative content rules the universe. To stay relevant and competitive, businesses must produce high volumes of content quickly and efficiently. A Creative Operations Manager plays a vital role in this process by certifying that all creative activities are streamlined, compliant, and of the highest quality.

Here’s why having a COM on your team is essential:

Accelerating content delivery at scale

As businesses demand increasing amounts of creative content in shorter time frames, creative operations support the delivery of quality content at scale. For example, during a product launch, a COM can implement a streamlined workflow using project management tools like Jira or Asana, which helps coordinate multiple teams, track progress, and meet tight deadlines. By optimizing these workflows, the COM enables the team to produce a large quantity of high-quality content rapidly, such as promotional videos, social media posts, and website updates.

Ensuring compliance and brand governance

For creative teams operating in regulated industries or needing to maintain brand governance, a COM is crucial in managing compliance processes. They ensure that all content adheres to regulatory standards and brand guidelines, reducing the risk of non-compliance and maintaining brand consistency. For instance, in the pharmaceutical industry, a COM ensures that all marketing materials meet FDA regulations by coordinating with legal and compliance departments. They might use collaborative proofing software to track approvals and maintain documentation, ensuring that every piece of content, from brochures to online ads, complies with industry standards and brand guidelines.

Enhancing creative quality

When creative teams are bogged down by non-creative tasks, it smothers their creativity. A COM helps improve creative quality by reducing these interruptions, allowing teams to focus on what they do best—being creative. To remove some burden, a COM can delegate administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, managing timelines, and tracking project statuses to other team members or automated systems. This delegation allows designers and copywriters to concentrate on developing innovative ideas and producing exceptional work.

Facilitating stakeholder collaboration

Creative projects often require input from various stakeholders, including clients, legal teams, and marketing departments. A COM supports better collaboration by ensuring clear communication, timely feedback, and efficient project management. For instance, during a rebranding project, a COM can use collaborative proofing software like Ziflow to make sure that all stakeholders are aligned, feedback is collected and integrated promptly, and any issues are addressed quickly. This organized approach helps in producing cohesive and well-received creative deliverables that satisfy all parties involved.

Key responsibilities of a creative operations manager

Creative operations manager standing in front of a glass window and looking at sticky notes

The Creative Operations Manager job description isn’t exactly the same across the board, but there are several core responsibilities that are generally consistent across roles. These responsibilities run the gamut from strategic planning to project delivery.

Strategic planning and implementation

At one end of the continuum lies strategic planning and implementation. In this capacity, Creative Operations Managers are involved in setting long-term goals, developing overarching strategies, and establishing processes and frameworks for creative operations within the organization. This includes:

  • Conducting assessments of current workflows and processes to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Developing strategic plans and roadmaps for optimizing creative operations and enhancing efficiency.
  • Collaborating with senior leadership to align creative initiatives with business objectives.
  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness of creative operations strategies.

Process optimization and workflow management

Moving along the continuum, Creative Operations Managers are responsible for optimizing processes and managing workflows to ensure smooth project execution. This involves:

  • Designing and implementing streamlined workflows and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Identifying and implementing tools and technologies to support creative operations and project management.
  • Providing training and guidance to team members on best practices and process improvements.
  • Monitoring and refining workflows based on feedback and performance data to drive continuous improvement.

Project coordination and delivery

Towards the other end of the continuum is the delivery of individual projects. This is where we see Creative Operations Managers focus on the tactical aspects of project coordination and execution, including:

  • Planning and scheduling project timelines, milestones, and deliverables.
  • Assigning tasks and allocating resources to ensure timely completion of projects.
  • Monitoring project progress, identifying risks, and implementing solutions to mitigate issues.
  • Facilitating communication and collaboration among team members to ensure project alignment and cohesion.
  • Overseeing quality assurance processes to maintain standards and meet client or stakeholder expectations.

Essential skills and qualities of a creative operations manager

If a Creative Operations Manager wants to be at the top of their game, they need a unique blend of skills and qualities:

  • Deep understanding of both creative processes and operational principles. A COM must seamlessly bridge the gap between the imagination land of creativity and the structured world of operations. This dual expertise ensures they can balance creative vision with practical execution. For example, when managing a campaign for a new product launch, a COM must understand the creative process behind developing compelling visuals and messaging while also ensuring that these elements are delivered on time and within budget. They might work closely with designers to understand their creative needs and constraints while simultaneously coordinating with production teams to ensure logistical feasibility.
  • Strong organizational skills. The ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects, deadlines, and stakeholders well is crucial for a COM. Imagine a situation where a creative team is working on multiple client projects simultaneously, each with different deadlines and requirements. A COM with strong organizational skills can create detailed project plans, set realistic timelines, and allocate resources in a way that makes sense.
  • Leadership and communication skills. Leadership and communication are essential for fostering collaboration and motivating teams. A COM needs to be able to inspire their team, articulate the vision of a project clearly, and ensure everyone is aligned. Let’s go back to our major rebranding project: a COM might organize regular check-ins (essential during a protracted rebranding) and brainstorming sessions to keep the team engaged and on track. Successful communication ensures that everyone understands their role and the project's objectives, which can significantly boost team morale and productivity.
  • Attention to detail. Attention to detail is a must for managing the numerous moving parts in creative projects. A COM has to guarantee that every aspect of a project meets the required standards and specifications. For example, when overseeing the production of a TV commercial, a COM has to meticulously review scripts, storyboards, and final cuts to ensure consistency with the brand message and compliance with industry regulations. This level of scrutiny helps in catching potential issues early, preventing costly revisions later on.
  • Problem-solving skills and resourcefulness. Creative projects often encounter unexpected challenges, and a COM needs to be adept at addressing these issues. Whether it's a sudden change in client requirements or a technical glitch, problem-solving skills and resourcefulness are key. If a photoshoot gets delayed due to bad weather, a resourceful COM might quickly arrange an indoor location or reschedule the shoot without impacting the overall project timeline. Their ability to think on their feet ensures that projects stay on track despite unforeseen obstacles.
  • Adaptability. The creative industry is fast-paced and ever-changing, requiring a COM to be highly adaptable. They must be able to respond to shifting demands and priorities without losing focus. For example, if a client suddenly requests a last-minute change to a campaign, an adaptable COM can quickly reassess the project plan, communicate the changes to the team, and adjust the workflow accordingly (all while maintaining morale).
  • Technical proficiency. Familiarity with project management and data analytics tools is a must for a COM. These tools help in tracking project progress, analyzing performance, and making informed decisions. For instance, using software like Jira or Smartsheet, a COM can monitor project timelines, manage budgets, and generate reports on team performance. Data analytics tools can provide insights into the effectiveness of different processes, helping the COM to refine strategies and improve efficiency continually.
  • Emotional intelligence. Working well with creative teams requires high levels of emotional intelligence. A COM must be able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as empathize with the emotions of their team members. During a stressful project phase, a COM with strong emotional intelligence can recognize signs of burnout in team members and take steps to alleviate stress, such as redistributing workloads or providing additional support.

What makes a successful creative operations manager?

Creative Operations design team collaborating by the table and board

A successful Creative Operations Manager can make a huge impact on their team and organization. Here’s what makes them stand out:

Increased creative productivity and efficiency

With streamlined workflows, clear communication, and well-managed resources, creative teams can produce high-quality work faster and with less wasted effort.

Improved creative quality and Iinnovation

By implementing effective creative operations, COMs allow creatives to focus more on their core competencies, leading to higher quality and more innovative outputs.

Enhanced brand compliance and consistency

A COM ensures brand guidelines and style are followed consistently across all projects, leading to better brand compliance and a more recognizable brand identity.

Stakeholder and client satisfaction

Improved communication, timely deliveries, and consistent quality enhance client and stakeholder satisfaction, strengthening relationships and fostering long-term engagements.

Alignment with broader business objectives

Creative operations help align the creative team's efforts with the overall business goals and strategic objectives, ensuring that every creative output drives business value.

Cost savings and resource optimization

By streamlining workflows and reducing wastage, creative operations contribute to cost efficiency and optimal resource use.

Happier and more engaged creative teams

A COM advocates for the creative team, manages workloads, and fosters a collaborative environment, contributing to a happier and more motivated workforce.

Moving the discipline of creative operations forward

As the role of creative operations evolves, COMs play a crucial role in developing and expanding this discipline to better support the business's creative and strategic needs.

Discover how Ziflow supports creative operations managers

Ziflow app proof viewer layout displayed on a laptop macbook

So hopefully you can see now that a Creative Operations Manager is essential for any organization looking to optimize its creative processes and produce high-quality content efficiently. Ziflow supports creative operations managers with tools designed to streamline the review and approval process, enhance collaboration, and ensure brand compliance. Features like real-time feedback, automated workflows, and comprehensive tracking make Ziflow an invaluable asset for creative teams.

Explore how Ziflow can elevate your creative operations by visiting Ziflow’s project visibility or downloading The Definitive Guide to Collaborative Proofing.

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