Basecamp and Ziflow integration icons

Proofing with Basecamp & Ziflow

Manage the creative workflow around your design projects and boost team collaboration with this remarkable integration.

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Sample workflows powered by Ziflow’s integration with Basecamp:

Instantly assign to-dos to proof reviewers

Drop a file into a Ziflow-enabled cloud storage folder to automatically create a to-do task in Basecamp for each team member who needs to review it.

Keep projects in sync and stakeholders up-to-date

Automate the routing of work-in-progress proofs or completed designs by associating them to corresponding projects in Basecamp.

Automatically update your colleagues about status changes

Configure Ziflow to post updates in Basecamp on the status of a project when tasks have been completed, including feedback received and final approval achieved.

Basecamp and Ziflow can accelerate your workflow in so many more ways.

See what else you can do with this powerful integration.

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Want to see how Ziflow will work with your unique Basecamp setup?

Contact us to schedule a customized software demo.

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Our affection for integrations is mutual—and we’ve got the profile page to prove it.

See Ziflow’s listing in Basecamp’s list of integrations.

Check it out

Ziflow also integrates with:

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Integrate Ziflow with ClickUp and automatically keep your tasks up to date with Ziflow activity.

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Create and update project tasks with proof links and status changes. Use our marketplace app to create new proofs in Ziflow.

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Keep your Asana projects up to date with a proof’s workflow status, links, and comments. Our marketplace app is coming soon.

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Google Drive

New files added to Drive can automatically be converted to a proof, shared, moved, or converted to another file type.

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Automatically create proofs when new files are added to Dropbox & transfer approved assets from Ziflow to Dropbox folders.

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Keep your teams in the know by pushing notifications for all Ziflow actions to Slack channels.

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