Use Zapier’s powerful low-code automation to connect Ziflow to hundreds of outside applications, automate repetitive tasks, and streamline every stage of your creative workflow.
Build custom automations (“zaps”) using Ziflow’s triggers to streamline your creative review and approval process. Seamlessly connect with myriad outside applications—DAM platforms, PM tools, and much more—via Zapier.
Automate proof creation
Use Zapier to automatically create a new proof or folder in Ziflow based on a trigger from almost any other app in your tech stack.
Translate feedback in real-time
Use Zapier’s Translate app to automatically convert Ziflow comments into the language your team needs, enhancing global collaboration.
Approval notifications in your purse (or pocket)
Get instant updates via SMS about proof approval statuses, ensuring you stay informed no matter where you are.
Powerful alone, better together
Ziflow integrates with your favorite apps to streamline collaboration, automate tasks, and keep your creative process connected from start to finish.
(function (c, p, d, u, id, i) {
id = ''; // Optional Custom ID for user in your system
u = '' + c + '.js?p=' + encodeURI(p) + '&e=' + id;
i = document.createElement('script');
i.type = 'application/javascript';
i.defer = true;
i.src = u;
}("4187", document.location.href, document));