Utilize Ziflow's integration with ClickUp to plan, track, and manage your design or marketing workflow stages. Aligning your creative approval process with your team's task management tools enhances collaboration and saves time.
Automate task creation
Uploading a new file into Ziflow automatically creates a new ClickUp task in any project you specify.
Eliminate manual work
Once your reviewers approve a proof in Ziflow, our low-code automations will instantly mark the associated task as complete in ClickUp.
Create custom fields
Ziflow's integration with ClickUp supports the unique fields you create to customize a project workflow.
Powerful alone, better together
Ziflow integrates with your favorite apps to streamline collaboration, automate tasks, and keep your creative process connected from start to finish.
(function (c, p, d, u, id, i) {
id = ''; // Optional Custom ID for user in your system
u = 'https://tracking.g2crowd.com/attribution_tracking/conversions/' + c + '.js?p=' + encodeURI(p) + '&e=' + id;
i = document.createElement('script');
i.type = 'application/javascript';
i.defer = true;
i.src = u;
}("4187", document.location.href, document));