Creative collaboration for retail

Support your omnichannel retail creative projects with a consistent review and approval process.

Online creative collaboration for retail customers-1

See why the top brands and creative teams trust Ziflow

  • staples company logo in gray
  • office-depot-logo-DFC10E4109-seeklogo 1
  • augusta company logo sportswear
  • specialized company vector gray logo
  • nhs company logo
  • overstock company vector logo

Why retail companies trust Ziflow


We are solving how to communicate effectively through several teams - from designer to quality to tech to upper management. We no longer get lost in email translations.

Hazel Rider
Hazel Rider
Senior Production Designer (Retail) @ Moldex-Metric, Inc.
See more retail customers examples

Real results to deliver exeptional creative

Retail assets collaborators avatars

All your creative, one platform

Improve collaboration by having everyone’s feedback in one place.

workflow automation chart with lines between each step

Automate any workflow

Streamline and standardize review and approval processes for faster project delivery.

Designed for Adobe Creative Cloud dark background

Easily connect your favourite tools and apps

Work natively with your creative tools, project management and file storage apps.

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