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Ziflow Wins 2021 Sammy Awards for Product and Individual of the Year

2 min read
Katie Oberthaler

We are excited to announce today that Ziflow has been recognized as a winner in the Business Intelligence Group’s prestigious 2021 Sales and Marketing Technology Awards program. ZIflow was named as a Product of the Year and Ziflow CEO Anthony Welgemoed was also named as an Individual of the Year in the awards program. 

The Sales and Marketing Technology Awards--known as The Sammys--honor companies and products helping to solve the challenges organizations have connecting and collaborating with prospects and customers.

In a year filled with uncertainty and shifting business and remote work practices, we are honored to have Ziflow’s innovation, growth, and customer satisfaction recognized among leading global SaaS companies.

“We are proud to reward and recognize Ziflow for their innovation and dedication to helping both the organization using their technology and the ultimate consumer,” said Maria Jimenez, Chief Nominations Officer, Business Intelligence Group. “It was clear to our judges that their efforts will improve how we all connect with the brands we love for years to come.”

The Ziflow proofing platform was named as Product of the Year in the company size category for year-over-year growth, continued development in the new Proof Viewer that streamlines the proofing experience, and continually commitment to the customer experience. We are thrilled to be recognized as a reliable, secure and popular tool that enables remote and hybrid teams to collaborate more efficiently, every day. 

Sales and marketing "The Sammy" Technology Award 2021 Winner

ZIflow CEO and co-founder Anthony Welgemoed has also been named as an Individual of the Year for his leadership in steering the company’s mission into the next-generation of proofing and team collaboration needs. 

Facing an influx of new customers with more complex remote collaboration needs, Welgemoed led a company-wide evolution of Ziflow’s ease of use and interoperability for customers and the platform’s integration with other MarTech systems. The massive technical redesign of the Ziflow Proof Viewer provided creative teams with a reliable and secure way to meet new creative workflow and remote work needs while still improving the efficiency of creative production. 

Sales and marketing "The Sammy" Technology Award

“On behalf of all of us here at Ziflow, I’m honored to accept these Sammy awards from the Business Intelligence Group,” said Welgemoed.”Collaboration has never been as important as is with today’s hybrid working environments and we’re happy that Ziflow has been able to make such a huge impact for our customers. This award is a great testament to not only our work, but also the great work our customers are able to achieve with Ziflow”.

See the full list of winners and learn more about the SAMMY Awards here.  

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