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Ziflow earns four spots on TrustRadius' 2022 Best Software List

3 min read
Katie Oberthaler

The annual results are in! We are thrilled to announce that TrustRadius has included Ziflow in four categories of the company’s Best Software List for 2022.

Thanks to our incredible customers and their reviews, TrustRadius recognizes Ziflow as a leading provider for:

  • Best Software Overall (#23 out of 159)
  • Best Software for Enterprise Business (#20 out of 105)
  • Best Software for Mid-sized Business (#23 out of 131)
  • Best Software for Small Business (#21 out of 104)

TrustRadius is lauded industry-wide for its intense focus on the buyer experience and awards technology companies based on positive customer experiences. Their award integrity is unmatched, and winning products demonstrate a commitment to transparency and user satisfaction. We are honored to be included in their first-annual Best Software List program!

“Ziflow was selected for the 2022 Best Software List as best suited for enterprise, mid-sized, and small businesses,” said Megan Headley, Vice President of Research at TrustRadius. “These awards are based directly on feedback from their customers. Ziflow customers across business sizes highlight Ziflow’s collaboration, video and image markup, and proofing workflow automation capabilities.”

Here is just a small snippet of what nearly 200 customers have to say about Ziflow on TrustRadius:

“Ziflow is essential in my day to day work as a creative. Ziflow is my source of truth when it comes to if a piece of creative is approved and fit for the market. I can easily collaborate with various parts of the business, I use Ziflow for collating feedback, actioning and marking off feedback, leaving comments and marking up other creative, and more.”

“Ziflow is well suited for any company that needs to create any sort of creative product. It helps PMs, designers, and even sometimes clients communicate all changes that need to be made to a piece. It also allows users to follow all versions and gives users a way to follow the piece all along the way from development to completion.” 

“We've found Ziflow to be a game-changer in our fully remote marketing agency. It has transformed how we get feedback and approval on creative assets.”

“My client makes explainer videos for startups and Fortune 500 companies. Working remotely, we need a simple way of getting the animatics ready for the client. Ziflow makes it easy for all decision-makers, both in-house at my primary client and inside the various departments of their clients to leave detailed feedback before moving on to final animation, where revisions can be more costly. A great platform that solves a very specific problem better than any other platform I've tried.”

Check out to see more of our customer reviews and why we received these great badges. If you’d like to get started streamlining your review process, you can take our creative collaboration platform for a test drive today

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