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Product Release: Proof briefs, Dropbox integration improvements & more

2 min read
Katie Spurkeland

Ziflow’s creative collaboration platform gives you the tools you need to produce amazing creative work. We’re constantly innovating to help you improve collaboration and productivity in your creative process. We release new and updated features every two weeks. Our latest release includes:

Proof briefs

Briefs are a critical part of the creative process. A great creative brief aligns the creative team on the purpose, goals and objectives of the project. Feedback is an equally important part of the creative process, and it is important that you get relevant, accurate, and timely feedback from your reviewers. To help you get the best possible feedback, we've introduced a simple but very effective new feature, Proof briefs. This feature provides a dedicated space to brief your reviewers on the purpose of the Proof and can include:

  • Additional context or clarification on what feedback is required from which reviewer
  • Links such as the creative brief and reference concepts that provide guidelines and inspiration for everyone involved
  • Attachments to relevant documents so that reviewers and approvers have all of the details they need to provide feedback without ever leaving the platform

Proof briefs stay pinned at the top of the comments list to be easily referenced at any point in the review process. Learn more in our help center.

Challenges and objectives in a proof brief in Ziflow viewer


Dropbox integration enhancements

We’ve improved the Ziflow x Dropbox integration with paths that automate content transfer from one platform to the other. To benefit from this enhancement, create a folder in Dropbox for your final, approved creative. Once reviewers approve a Proof, Ziflow sends the final version back to that Dropbox folder so that the approved creative is easily accessible to the rest of your team. Then, the most up-to-date assets are available to you and your clients for deployment across campaigns. Additional enhancements to this integration are on our product roadmap, so more to come! Integrate Ziflow with Dropbox today using our guide.

Ziflow Connect - Dropbox Enhancements - Ziflow + Dropbox logos


Shareable links for folders

Every folder in Ziflow now has a shareable link, so you can easily share the folder with anyone. Copy and paste into an email, chat, or other messaging platforms. Recipients can see all the assets in the folder, which is useful when you add assets to a campaign or project folder over time. Recipients can also share the link with other people. Of course, you can still control permission settings on the individual assets.  

Shareable link folders of Ziflow - Public visibility


See the enhancements for yourself by scheduling a call with our team of experts at

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