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Product Release: Enhancements to our industry-exclusive batch review

2 min read
Katie Spurkeland

Creatives are asked to produce tens or even hundreds of assets to accommodate the requirements of both traditional and digital campaigns. With Ziflow’s industry-exclusive batch review, creative teams can provide feedback and approve groups of multimedia assets in a single review workflow–capabilities that streamline creative processes and expedite delivery. Ziflow is expanding on our batch review capabilities with recent enhancements, including:

Batch review via intake forms

Intake forms allow users beyond your Ziflow account to submit a proof for any type of creative–functionality that now supports batch review. With this enhancement, the platform’s ability to submit and collaborate on groups of creative extends to include intake forms so that creative teams can easily manage multiple assets within a campaign.

Batch review via intake forms - Ziflow feature to upload files for review


Group comments by asset

Batch review lets users review and approve multiple assets in a single campaign. With the ability to group comments by asset in the Ziflow Viewer, feedback is categorized by individual assets making it easier than ever to evaluate stakeholder input across batches of proofs.

Group comments by asset feature of Ziflow - proof review with comments view


Asset names within PDF exports

Ziflow lets reviewers and approvers export comments into a PDF for a shareable copy of active feedback in each campaign. The exporting capability enhancement includes the asset name next to each thumbnail–details that make it easier for users to stay organized when reviewing and approving proofs.

Asset names within PDF exports - exporting comments into a pdf for shareabl


Learn more about Ziflow’s batch review functionality by getting in touch at Or, get started today for free.

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